Last Summer my husband and I took a trip to Boston and Cape Cod, and I fell in love with the Eastern Cape. It’s so beautiful! I have this dream someday ( maybe after the kids are all grown, and we are much older), to live in a Coastal town, or have one as a vacation home. Something about living near water and those cute coastal beachy homes and cottages just speak to me and make me want to stop and stare at them for days on end. My family can also tell you about my obsession for finding Lighthouses along the Coast, even if we have to climb around abandoned areas to see them.
So I was excited to go back and celebrate with family at Rodrigo and Tever’s wedding. It was such a fun wedding weekend, filled with love and family, baseball games, fireworks and B-bques. My mom flew in and was able to take the road trip with us. It was so great spending a week together!
On our way there, we stopped in New Haven, CT to spend the night, in the morning we took a quick trip to Lighthouse Point Park, and even drove right past the home of Justin & Mary Marantz. I love their little beachy home with the anchor on the door. Mary, I promised I wasn’t stalking you! 🙂 Funny story, because we passed their home on the way to the Lighthouse and I thought from pictures I had seen how familiar the house looked, so I made my husband google the address and sure enough it was theirs! You know you are a well admired photographer when other photos google your address! We also did a quick little tour of Yale. Loved the architecture!
We also got in a little sightseeing to see a couple lighthouses, and a Castle. Yes, a castle.. I felt like I was in Europe for a minute. It was so worth the hour drive to go see Hammond Castle. I really wanted to see Martha’s Vineyard this trip, but time didn’t allow it. I guess I will just have to put another East Coast trip on my do to list again soon! Maine is really high up on my list!
Quick tour of Yale in New Haven, CT…
Some of you may recognize this cute little home. I promise I’m not a stalker! It’s the home of Justin & Mary. I love their cute home right on the water!
The cute town of Gloucester, MA…
Such a great weekend with family I won’t forget!